Object Storage Limits

The following limits apply across all types of CDN77 Object Storage.

Predefined Default Limits

  • You can create up to 50 buckets per account
  • You can have up to 1,000,000 objects per account
  • Each bucket can contain up to 1,000,000 objects
  • A single multipart upload can consist of up to 10,000 parts

Adjusting Default Limits

Increasing limits is possible with confirmation from our support team. Please write to us at support@cdn77.com or use our 24/7 live chat available from the Client Panel.

Rate Limits

The following rate limits apply to all storage types:

  • 750 requests per bucket per second
  • 1,000 requests per IP address per second
  • 75 listing requests per bucket per second

Maximizing Performance with Rate Limits

Our storage infrastructure leverages DNS round-robin load balancing, a method that assigns multiple IP addresses to a single domain and rotates them periodically. This helps distribute traffic evenly, improving overall performance and stability.
By disabling DNS caching, you ensure proper load balancing, allowing you to make the most of our rate limits and maintain optimal performance while avoiding the rate limits.

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