Get stats per data center


Request parameters

  • typestring in pathrequired

    Available values: bandwidth, costs, headers, headers-detail, hit-miss, hit-miss-detail, traffic, traffic-detail, traffic-miss

Request body≥1 required

  • cdn_idsarray of integers

    List of CDN Resource IDs. Use if you want statistics only for specific CDN Resources. More information in our CDN Resources API documentation.

  • location_idsarray of strings

    List of Datacenters. Use if you want statistics only for specific Datacenters. Example values: "chicago", "los angeles"

  • aggregationstring

    Accepts values in minutes, hours, days or months in the following formatting: 5-m, 1-h, 1-d, 1-month (minutes must be divisible by five)

  • fromintegerrequired

    UNIX Timestamp

  • tointegerrequired

    UNIX Timestamp

Example of the request body
  "cdn_ids": [
  "location_ids": [
  "aggregation": "7-d",
  "from": 1625097600,
  "to": 1625097600


Statistics by type grouped by datacenters returned.

Response parameters

  • NAobject
Example of the response
  "NA": {
    "los angeles": {
      "1234567890": {
        "sizeCached": 443741901,
        "sizeNonCached": 1004.1212242332124
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