Get popular objects report


Request body≥1 required

  • cdn_idsarray of integers
  • fromintegerrequired

    UNIX Timestamp

  • tointegerrequired

    UNIX Timestamp

Example of the request body
  "cdn_ids": [
  "from": 1625097600,
  "to": 1625097600


Statistic returned.

Response parameters

  • categorystring
  • cdn_idinteger
  • bytes_missinteger
  • bytes_totalinteger
  • hitinteger
  • hit_rationumber
  • indexinteger
  • missinteger
  • requestsinteger
  • status_2xxinteger
  • status_3xxinteger
  • status_4xxinteger
  • status_5xxinteger
  • urlstring
Example of the response
    "category": "image/png",
    "cdn_id": 1234567890,
    "bytes_miss": 25234,
    "bytes_total": 32112312,
    "hit": 32087078,
    "hit_ratio": 0.990913,
    "index": 1,
    "miss": 23,
    "requests": 31873,
    "status_2xx": 31560,
    "status_3xx": 0,
    "status_4xx": 312,
    "status_5xx": 1,
    "url": ""
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