Purge all


Request parameters

  • idinteger in pathrequired


Purge of all files was accepted. All cached data will be removed.

Response parameters

  • idstring, format UUIDv4

    Job ID.

  • typestring

    There are three types of jobs: purge: instantly removes cached content from all enabled datacenters purge-all: instantly removes all cached content from all enabled datacenters prefetch: prepopulates newly added content to the CDN cache.

    Available values: purge, prefetch, purge-all

  • cdnobject
  • statestring

    State of the request.

    Available values: done, processing, queued

  • queued_atstring, format date-time

    Time of the request at queueing.

  • done_atstring, format date-time

    Time of request at completion.

Example of the response
  "id": "9880280c-0507-46d1-88f3-71cfee83fa57",
  "type": "purge",
  "cdn": {
    "id": 1234567890
  "state": "done",
  "queued_at": "2024-10-16T21:57:00.199Z",
  "done_at": "2024-10-16T21:57:00.199Z"
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