Detail of CDN77 Storage
Request parameters
- idstring in pathrequired
Detail of the given Origin returned.
Response parameters
- cdnsarray of objects
List of all CDN Resources assigned to the Origin.
- idstring
Origin ID.
- labelstring
Origin label.
- notestring
Optional note for the Origin.
- schemestring
Available values: http, https
- usageobject
- serverobject
Location of the CDN77 Storage server.
- typestring
Available values: aws, object-storage, storage, url
Example of the response
"cdns": [
"id": 1234567890,
"label": "My cdn"
"id": "e56564d1-8d3e-4457-93a6-082b054bc736",
"label": "My origin",
"note": "Note for my Origin",
"scheme": "https",
"usage": {
"space": 7216780,
"nodes": 123456789,
"time": "2025-02-13T08:48:54.134Z"
"server": {
"id": "",
"location": "Europe - Frankfurt"
"type": "storage"